Is Costa Rica safe to travel?
You may be surprised that Costa Rica is one of the safest countries. Every year, an average of three million tourists, explore Costa Rica.
As You Know, you are still traveling in a foreign country and you should not let your guard down. It is important to take basic personal safety precautions at all times.
Common Crime In Costa Rica
By far the most common crime in Costa Rica is robbery and theft. Take the following security measures to avoid being attacked:
1. Do not carry valuables. Leave large amounts of cash, valuable jewelry and passports in your hotel safe. Use a copy if your passport with you all the time.
2. Never leave your things unattended. Many tourists are often robbed when they leave bags lying on the beach,restaurants and inclusive on your rented car. Always keep an eye on your personal items and never leave them unattended.
3. Watch for pickpockets. Do not carry phones or wallets in back pockets or open purses. Keep items in your front pockets and carry your bags in satchels in front of you. Only use bags that can be closed securely.
4. Electronics. The use of cameras and technologic equipments need to be on safe areas no in public places, principally on GAM area.
5. Avoid walking at night. Take official taxis and ubers at night. If you have to walk at night, don’t walk alone.
6. Stay alert. Always keep in mind that you are traveling abroad and it is important that you never let your guard down.
7. Stay calm. If you’re robbed, it’s important to stay calm, not fight back, and give up your belongings easily. Violent robberies are very rare and most thieves are unlikely to attack you.
Health Concerns
It’s always a good idea to do your research on health, safety and vaccinations before traveling abroad. Make sure all of your routine immunizations are up to date. The CDC also recommends vaccinations against hepatitis A and typhoid fever. It is good to review the guidelines and recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Costa Rica or on the ICT site of Costa Rica.
Insect Bites
Some insects or mosquito bites can cause diseases such as Zika or Dengue in Costa Rica, although it is very rare. To reduce the risk of insect bites, wear long sleeves and pants to cover more skin, use repellant that has 20% DEET or higher, stay in air-conditioned or screened rooms, and use mosquito nets if sleeping arrangements are not available. exposed to the outside.
Drink Water in Costa Rica
Within the city limits of San José, the water is drinkable. Outside of San José, the water is safe for showering, washing hands, and brushing teeth, but not drinking. It is recommended to drink only filtered bottled water.
Tours And Activities
The most important thing you can do to keep yourself safe is to do your research before you book anything. One of the best parts of traveling to Costa Rica is the incredible tours and activities available for every type of traveler. However, you should never book a tour before looking up your provider’s certifications and safety records. Also, you should talk to your provider about the current weather conditions. Some tours may change due to rain. However, reputable travel providers will be aware of weather conditions and will only take you out if they know it’s safe. Finally, each tour must include properly fitted safety equipment and a safety demonstration. It is their job to make sure you feel safe before the start of the tour. Fortunately, Costa Rica has some of the best quality tours in the world.
More Costa Rica Safety Tips
1. Use common sense
When visiting a tropical paradise like Costa Rica, it’s easy to let your guard down and assume nothing bad will happen. However, the best thing you can do to protect yourself is to use common sense and stay alert at all times.
2. Get travel insurance
Travel insurance is not only great for your peace of mind abroad, it will also protect you in the event of theft or injury.
3. Have a plan
Plan your trip carefully and do your research thoroughly. By doing your homework, you’ll find the safest destinations, hotels, and tour providers available. You should also share your itinerary with non-traveling friends and family so they know where you are at all times. You can find many great articles to read here in the section
4. Keep track of your belongings at all times.
Leaving belongings unattended is a good way to let people know you don’t care about them. Many tourists are robbed on the beach or in restaurants because they leave their bags unattended. Also, be sure to leave important documents and valuables in your hotel safe when you’re away.